Maca Protein Balls

Maca Protein Balls

Maca Protein Balls

Hello Spreaders!
Today is #MotivationMonday and we decided to share this delicious recipe with all of you: Maca Protein Balls🍫🍯
This recipe is made with our Maca Cinnamon Spread! Did you know maca powder has tons of health benefits?
Makes 8 balls:
1/2 cup Maca Cinnamon Spread
2 tbsps pure maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup ground flaxseed meal
1/4 cup vegan protein powder
1 tbsp chia seeds
1/4 cup chocolate chips + sea salt for topping
1. In a small bowl, mix together maca cinnamon spread, maple syrup, vanilla extract and cinnamon.
2. Add the ground flaxseed meal, vegan protein and chia seeds. Mix.
3. You’ll may need to use your hands to incorporate all of the ingredients.
4. Form a bowl. (If your dough is too thick you may need to add more almond butter or if it’s too loose you’ll add more flaxseed)
5. Form 8 balls and place them in a plate with parchment paper.
6. Freeze them for 15 minutes.
7. Meanwhile, you’ll melt your chocolate chips in the microwave or in a double boiler.
8. Dip each ball in the melted chocolate and sprinkle some fine sea salt.
9. Freeze them for another 15 minutes and enjoy!

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